
ITS Policies & Procedures

Printing Policy

Policy #: LFC.ITS.20
Date: 11/5/2024
Author: LFC ITS
Version: 1.0
Status: Approved


°Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï provides printing resources to support academic and administrative needs across campus. This Printing Policy outlines the guidelines for both student and employee printing, including allotments, costs, restrictions, and support. By centralizing and monitoring printing resources, the College aims to foster efficient and environmentally responsible use of resources.


The purpose of this policy is to establish standards for printing access, use, and support across the College to encourage efficient, sustainable, and compliant printing practices. The policy provides clear guidelines on student printing credits and costs, outlines restrictions for employee desktop printers, and specifies support protocols for printers across campus. This approach helps maintain budgetary oversight, ensures alignment with vendor contracts, and reduces unnecessary environmental impact.


This policy applies to all students and employees using College-provided printing resources.


3.1 Student Printing Allotments: Students are provided with a printing credit each semester to facilitate academic printing needs. Unused credits expire at the end of each term and do not carry over from one term to the next.

3.2 Printing Credit Cycle: Students receive printing credits on the following schedule:

  • Fall Semester: Students receive a $15 credit (equivalent to 300 pages of basic B&W printing) prior to the first day of classes.
  • Spring Semester: An additional $15 credit is provided, totaling $30 for the academic year.
  • Summer Session: Students receive a $15 printing credit to support summer classes.
  • Account Reset: Printing credits carry over from each semester until reset at the end of the summer prior to the beginning of a new academic year.

3.3 Exceeding Allotted Credits: Students only incur printing charges if they exceed the provided allotment. In such cases, their accounts reflect a negative balance, which is then billed to their °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï account at the end of the term.

3.4 Printing Credit Requests: In the event of failed print jobs due to toner quality, paper jams, or other technical issues, students may request a printing credit by contacting ITS at servicedesk@lakeforest.edu. Please include all relevant details about the print job to expedite the credit process.

3.5 Student Printing Costs: Student printing costs are as follows:

  • Black & White: $0.05 per page, regardless of single- or double-sided printing.
  • Color Printing: $0.10 per side, or $0.20 for a double-sided page.

These rates are applied to print jobs submitted in public printing locations managed by ITS. For additional details on printing and commonly asked questions, students should consult the .


4.1 Multi-Function Printers: To promote cost efficiency and consistency of support for printing devices across campus, °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï ITS encourages the use of large multifunction print/scan/copy devices positioned throughout campus. Utilizing these centralized MFPs helps reduce overall operating costs for the College by minimizing individual desktop printer expenses and streamlining maintenance through our Genesis support contract. Additionally, the College’s ‘’ secure print feature safeguards privacy, allowing users to release print jobs with a quick scan of their College ID. This on-demand retrieval ensures that printed materials remain confidential and are not left unattended for others to see.

4.2 Desktop Printers: To avoid inefficiency and inconsistent support for exceptions, °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï ITS discourages the use of desktop printers for individual employees. Any desktop printer for individual use requires Vice President approval and department funding for purchase, which must still be coordinated through and purchased by ITS.

4.3 Desktop Printer Support: ITS provides support for desktop printers only through the Genesis support program. All desktop printers intended for individual or departmental use must be enrolled in Genesis to receive ITS support.

4.4 Toner Purchases: To comply with the Genesis program requirements, departments are prohibited from purchasing toner from sources other than Genesis, as that violates the College’s contract with Genesis. When placing the toner order, please refer to the Genesis sticker for the printer ID and phone number to call on the desktop printer.

Document Control:

Entry#: Date Version Notes
1 11/5/2024 1.0 Original policy draft
2 11/5/2024 1.0 Submitted to LITS Advisory Committee for review
3 11/21/2024 1.0 Reviewed and approved by LITS Advisory Committee
4 12/05/2024 1.0 Reviewed and approved by the Senior Leadership Team