The °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï Student Programming Board is designed to create innovative student programming that meets the needs of the student body. Responsible for planning and implementing engaging programs, the Student Programming Board’s goal is to build a vibrant campus community by bringing students together for exciting and entertaining programs.
Interested in Getting Involved?
The SPB Crew consists of any member of the student body of °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï that attends the Student Programming Board meetings for the purpose of sharing ideas, insight, guidance, and support. These individuals shall serve as Production Assistants at all SPB events.
This opportunity is meant to serve as both a support structure for SPB events but also a learning opportunity in the hopes that these individuals will develop into future members of the Production Teams or Executive Board.
If you are interested in more information or would like to join, please contact Suma Pasupulati.
2022-2023 Executive Board
Suma Pasupulati
Ava Sudman
Vice President
Abdullahi Abdulle
Acsah Joseph Daniel
Director of Events