If You Know Your Current Password
For Employees: Mac Users Password Reset Instructions
If you are using a Mac, please refer to our dedicated for step-by-step instructions on how to reset your password.Visit and select CHANGE PASSWORD under the key icon.
If You Have Forgotten Your Password
Use . This workflow does not require your previous password but may not be eligible if your account was recently created or is missing registration information.
Password Strength Requirements
- Minimum of 12 characters long
- Contain three out of four of the following categories:
- Lowercase letters
- Numbers (0-9)
- Special characters (*&^%$#@!+-_={}[]\|;:'"<>./?~)
Prohibited Password Categories
- Names of °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï departments, places, buildings, roads
- Season names, the year, or days of the week
- Things associated with the Chicago region
- Well-known sports teams or their most famous players
- Local sports team mascots
- Keyboard walking sequences or predictable/common sequences
- Other words from the
Important Notes
- Passwords should always be unique. Do not reuse your college password outside of the O365 account provided by °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï.
- Reusing a password on multiple sites subjects both you and the college to , where a password exposed in a data breach at one website allows a threat actor to access other accounts which use the same password.
- Using a high-quality password manager (such as 1Password or Bitwarden) or a built-in feature in your web browser to generate, store, and fill strong and unique passwords can make it easier to have unique passwords for everything.
- No repeats. You may not reuse an old password used previously at °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï.
- Having trouble coming up with a good password? Consult our guide to building long, strong, and unique passwords.
Contact Information
ITS Service Desk
On campus: x5544
Off campus or cell phones: