The majority of internships offered are unpaid. Securing a paid internship, while feasible, is not guaranteed. The College, as well as external providers, offer funding to assist students with costs associated with unpaid internships.
°Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï Internship Funding Program
Students are encouraged to consult with their Internship Specialist, as well as the Office of Financial Aid, to develop strategies for making unpaid internships financially accessible. Students should start internship planning and budgeting early.
Funding may be available to eligible students completing unpaid Academic Internships. Priority is given to juniors and seniors completing Academic Internships. Awards are largely based on financial need.
Funding is meant to assist with the cost of an unpaid Academic Internship that a student would not otherwise be able to pursue due to financial constraints.
Funding may be available to alleviate the costs associated with:
- Transportation (fuel, public transportation costs)
- Parking fees
- Uniforms or specialized clothing (ex. hospital scrubs)
- Technology equipment
- Training or testing
- Drug testing is available through °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï's via the blood draw service they offer for send out laboratory tests through Labcorp. Students who need drug testing must check with the Health & Wellness Center first to see if they can provide the necessary testing.
Internship funding awards do not cover:
- The cost of an internship credit
- Housing or rental fees
All students participating in the Academic Internship Program who have secured an unpaid internship* are eligible to apply for funding.
Considerations for funding decisions include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Financial Need
- Class Standing (Juniors and Seniors prioritized)
- Educational Benefit of Internship
- Clarity and Quality of Application
- Quality of Resume and Strength of G.P.A.
- Prior Funding Received
*Students participating in an off-campus program, such as the °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï In The Loop or ACTIVATE programs, or completing non-credit internships are not eligible for funding.
The majority of funding awards range from $300-$1,000.
- Most awards will be applied towards transportation*, uniforms, and other costs above and beyond the cost of a typical semester at the College.
- Funding is not available to cover the cost of the actual internship credit(s).
- Funding is limited and is not guaranteed. Therefore it is strongly recommended that students budget for internship-related expenses and pursue additional funding sources.
*Certain internship sites, especially those in the Health Care field, may require drug testing. Drug testing is available through °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï's Health & Wellness Center via the blood draw service they offer for send out laboratory tests through Labcorp. Students who need drug testing must check with the Health & Wellness Center first to see if they can provide the necessary testing before applying for transportation funding to an off-campus test site.
Application Deadlines
- Fall and Spring Semesters: the add/drop date for classes.
- Summer Term: the first day of the May Term.
For additional information, contact
Students must have secured an unpaid internship and plan to complete it as an Academic Internship for credit before applying for °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï Internship Funding.
If you have secured an unpaid internship, complete the .
Additional Grants
These are some additional grants that may be available to students.
Students may contact the Office of Financial Aid to determine eligibility for a Summer Grant to reduce the cost an Academic Internship completed during the Summer Term.
Please note that the Summer Grant is separate from the °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï Internship Funding Program.
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program offers grants for U.S. citizen undergraduate students of limited financial means to pursue academic studies or credit-bearing, career-oriented internships abroad.
Such international exchange is intended to better prepare U.S. students to assume significant roles in an increasingly global economy and interdependent world. Awards may be made for summer or semester Academic Internships. Students must be eligible for a Pell Grant to apply.
Contact Director of the Global Engagement Office, Allie Olson, for details (847-735-5231,
Interested in Funding?
Secured an unpaid internship?
Students are required to have an internship secured prior to applying for funding. If you have secured an internship, please complete the .
Direct your inquires to the Career Advancement Center at