
ITS Policies & Procedures

Eligibility for Accounts Policy

Policy #: LFC.ITS.04
Date: 11/12/2024
Author: LFC ITS
Version: 2.1
Status: Approved


°Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï provides computing accounts (UserIDs) to persons who have a current or future official status with the College that requires the use of College electronic resources (henceforth “e-resources”). These accounts are extended with the assumption that their use will be consistent with, and will not interfere with, the main purposes of the College – the academic work of the faculty and students, and the effective support of the academic mission by staff and administration. Use of an account in any way that is not consistent with these efforts, or that interferes with the work of other members of the College community, may be revoked as outlined in the Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources Policy.

Computing accounts are both provisioned and disabled based on official status, which in turn is based on data entered or modified in °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï administrative software platforms by the relevant personnel in the office responsible for the individual’s onboarding. For students, this is Admissions and Registrar’s office. For employees, it is Human Resources. Information Technology Services (ITS) is responsible for the automated processes which generate these accounts, and managing employee and student access to applications, servers, network, and telecommunication resources. This includes Outlook email, Microsoft OneDrive and the Office 365 applications, Microsoft Teams, Jenzabar, and others. The goal is to maintain a secure environment while granting employees and students access to the resources that they need and to terminate access when that need no longer exists. The sections below include descriptions of user roles, when eligibility starts and ends, and the default set of services available to each role.


The specific goals in publishing this Policy are to:

  • Set appropriate expectations for incoming and exiting students, staff, faculty, and other guests.
  • Identify role-based access to various College electronic systems.
  • Ensure regulatory compliance by setting clear policies regarding proper data disposal.


This Policy applies to all members of the °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï community who receive access to E-resources. This includes faculty, staff, students, alumni, interns, student employees, contracted and temporary workers, hired consultants, and other guests.


3.1 Official status with the College is initially established by Admissions through an automated process after a prospective student officially accepts their offer letter. Incoming students receive emails from their Admissions contact with their UserID and instructions on registering for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and accessing College e-resources.

3.2 After degree-seeking activities have begun, official status is controlled by the Office of Campus Life and the UserID remains active until the student either graduates or withdraws. Studying abroad does not affect its status.

3.3 Students who withdraw from the College will have their account deleted at the end of their last enrolled semester.

3.4 Alumni receive career advising and job placement services through the Career Advancement Center. To support these efforts and facilitate our international students filing federally-required SEVIS and I-20 forms, alumni UserIDs remain active for six months following graduation.


4.1 Onboarding: Official status for all employees – whether full-time, part-time, and temporary or contract – is controlled by Human Resources. HR authorizes the creation of all new UserIDs by creating onboarding requests in Jenzabar containing the information provided by the hiring department. For new hires, ITS generates College UserIDs and grants default access to most e-resources. ITS notifies hiring supervisors by email once the new hire’s UserID is created. The email will include UserID information, explain the access granted, and provide pointers to additional information and/or assistance. The hiring supervisor should communicate this information to the new hire as soon as possible. Hiring supervisors may communicate requests for elevated privileges or additional access to other e-resources via Service Desk tickets, which will be reviewed by ITS and approved if appropriate.

4.2 Offboarding: Employee UserIDs are disabled at the end of an employee’s last workday with the College, except in the case of faculty emeriti (see Section 5.) Exceptions to this policy for other employees – typically to support the continuity of work for a business unit – can be arranged with prior approval from HR, the VP of the division, and the Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer (VPIT/CIO), but must be accompanied by a plan to retrieve necessary files, messages, or other work from the account and include an access termination date not beyond ninety days from the date of said request, when the account will be permanently disabled.

4.3 Adjunct Faculty: Adjunct faculty will be active for the entire academic year in which they are teaching (even when teaching in just one semester).

Adjunct faculty not actively teaching at least one course in an academic year will be considered inactive. During inactive periods, adjunct faculty credentials will be disabled and software licenses reallocated. Under very special circumstances, exceptions may be granted with approval from the Krebs Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs and the VPIT/CIO.

4.4 Sabbaticals: Faculty members on sabbatical are considered active employees and retain access to all College e-resources, including email, O365, and other applications during their sabbatical period.


5.1 Retiring faculty with emeriti status retain access to their °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï email for life with two requirements for ongoing access.

5.1.1 Regular activity: Unchecked online accounts present elevated cybersecurity risks due to a lack of oversight, which may allow unauthorized access and suspicious activities to go unnoticed. Because of this, emeriti accounts that are not checked at least monthly will be considered inactive and disabled. Mailboxes which remain disabled for 180 days without a request from the owner to re-enable it will be purged to recover computing resources.

5.1.2 Required cybersecurity awareness training: To retain access, emeriti must complete any cybersecurity training assigned to employees for the purposes of maintaining regulatory compliance or meeting cybersecurity insurance requirements.

5.1.3 Mailing Lists: As long as their accounts remain active, emeriti will remain subscribed to the FacStaff and Faculty mailing lists unless they request to be unsubscribed.


Contractors, consultants, interns, and other guests may obtain temporary access to the College e-resources under certain circumstances. Such requests should be submitted via Service Desk ticket at least five business days in advance by a sponsoring director or their designee. Such access shall be terminated upon the person’s last workday with the College. If such work will be intermittent and the use case supports it, a UserID or other access for a guest may be disabled while they are not actively working, and then the account or access shall be reenabled later when such work resumes.


7.1 With an exception for shared or role-based mailboxes (e.g., physics@lakeforest.edu or president@lakeforest.edu) UserIDs shall always be unique to the individual. ITS will never reuse a student or employee UserID or email address to prevent the possibility of inadvertent or unauthorized access to confidential data.


Document Control:

Entry#: Date Version Notes
1 2014 1.0 Portions of this policy existed previously in the college’s “Email Policy”
2 11/14/2023 2.0 Rewritten policy, submitted for review
3 12/07/2023 2.0 Reviewed and approved by the LITS Advisory Committee
4 01/03/2024 2.0 Reviewed and approved by the Senior Leadership Team
5 11/12/2024 2.1 Revised for LITS Advisory Committee review
6 11/21/2024 2.1 Reviewed and approved by LITS Advisory Committee
7 12/05/2024 2.1 Reviewed and approved by the Senior Leadership Team