Local, State, National Programming
This page is for any local, state, or national programs that are known of or developed for all areas involving sex and gender, including sexual misconduct and sexual violence:
See how local, state, other national programs continue to keep important topics at the forefront. We will periodically update information that we deem important or to support at different times of the year. See prior programs highlighted by the organizations below.
2024 Programs Offered Locally or by the State of Illinois
Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center- Z Center:
April 10th- Open Mic Night, 6pm-7pm, Z Center, Gurnee, IL
April 12th- Standing Silent Witness, 12pm-1pm, Outside of Lake County Courthouse, Waukegan, IL
April 24th- Denim Day-Events all around Lake County; Z Center will be at °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï 11am-2pm
April 26th-Community Open House, 6pm-8pm, Z Center, Gurnee, IL
All Month-Virtual Clothesline Project
For more information or a list of all A-SAAM Z-Center events, visit www.zcenter.org
College of Lake County
April 8th- Chalk the Walk, 9am-1pm
April 16th- Survivors' Voices, 6pm-8pm, CLC, Cafe Willow
April 24th- Denim Day
For more informaiton on College of Lake County programs visit their .
2023 Local or State Programs Offered
Zacharias Sexual Assault Center. See spring programs held by this organization
This documentary looks at how society defines masculinity and the harm it causes to our boys and men; a must-see for everyone. Discussion will follow.
April 26th Denim Day
LFC will spotlight Zacharias Center this year for Denim Day while also engaging Denim Day Activities on campus. See our Awareness Outreach Page for more information on LFC Denim Day. Z-Center staff will be present on campus to meet and share resources with the college. See Z Center flyer for more information about Denim Day at Z Center.
See all programming Z Center sponsors for April: PDF
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) The Title IX Office periodically hightlights programs held by this national organization.
April 14, 6-8PM EDT. Online consent workshop. Consent!/Power!/Consent!/SAAM
Join us for a discussion on what consent, sexual violence and partner abuse is. We also cover what a consent conversation looks like and how power imbalances create a culture for sexual violence and partner abuse to thrive.
April 12, 5-7:30PM, PDT. "I Am Here" Sexual Violence Across The Gender Spectrum
In Partnership with Somos Familia Valle, Trauma Informed LA is participating in the National Sexual Violence Resource Center's Call to Action to demand equity. We believe it is important to create spaces for vulnerable communities and wanted to highlight the spectrum of gender in this year's event. This event will feature a panel of four speakers from a Trauma-informed, Anti-Racist, and Healing-Centered Lens.
April 19 12:15-1:15PM CDT Roots of Vulnerability: Understanding Sexual Violence and the Queer Community
We hear over and over that LGBTQIA+ individuals are significantly more likely to experience sexual violence in their lifetimes. But why? What are the individual and systemic conditions that set up a queer person’s vulnerability to sexual violence, and what can be done to better understand and prevent it? This one-hour training and conversation will explore the dynamics behind the tragic statistics and facilitate ideas for prevention and healing.
(ICSA) unites the services and resources of rape crisis centers statewide. ICASA alleviates the suffering of sexual assault survivors and builds safe, just communities through:
- Victim-centered counseling;
- Advocacy for public policy that promotes prevention, supports victims and advances justice;
- Activism and prevention education to change cultural norms, end oppression and promote equality.
The provides free support and care to victims of sexual assault, with services such as counseling and medical/police advocacy. The center also promotes education and awareness through programs that are focused on:
- Professional training;
- Community awareness programs at clubs, faith-based organizations, corporations, and other groups;
- School based programs directed to students, faculty, and parents.
provides assistance for survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking in Lake County. Some of the resources available are group counseling, housing, and courthouse advocacy. Education programs also promote awareness through:
- Prevention education in schools about dating violence;
- Customized community programs for civic groups, faith based organizations, corporations, and other groups.
Other State National Information from 2022:
See other state and national domestic violence programming and initiatives below:
State and National Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention
- White House Domestic Violence Prevention and Awareness Proclamation-2022.
- Illinois
- State and National Coalition
Contact Information