
Modern Languages and Literatures

Evelyn Johnson

Class Year


Area(s) of Study

Major in Finance
Minors in Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Mandarin Chinese


Apple Valley, MN


Chinese Club, Women in Business, Investment Club,


Thomson Reuters Financial Planning and Analyzing (FP&A) Intern


Deans List, Omicron Delta Epsilon, Chinese Club Founder and President (2015), A Team Dinner Attendant (Swim Team), PitchIt! 2017 1st place Winner

Current Job

Category Manager – Building Materials (The Home Depot, Atlanta GA)

How did you choose your area of study?

My freshman year I knew I wanted to study business. After taking Professor Tuttle’s Economics course, I became very interested in business analytics. After taking an Entrepreneurship course, I realized I was passionate about business strategy and development. I really like working with numbers, so finance was a perfect fit. Business is so global, and I realized a Mandarin minor would be a perfect complement. I was able to take something away from every class and utilize it in my current role that requires strategy, optimization and financial forecasting for an industry-leading company.

More information to share?

Learning Chinese has helped me personally and professionally. Having this proficiency created connections with new people that I otherwise wouldn’t have connected with. These connections have opened the door to other opportunities and friendships. It’s a butterfly effect. In my career, I’m able to have better relationships with my support team (located in ShenZhen, China). We are able to connect and converse on some work related topics, but I’ve found it most beneficial because it’s helped our relationship grow organically. Because of this, they’re happier to support me beyond what is requested. They want to help me and are more curious in my business compared to others on my team who do not have this skillset. Knowing a second language is something that can set you apart in your career

What steps did you take at LFC to prepare you for your career?

I prepped for my career by participating in as many extracurricular activities related to my major/ideal future jobs. I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to do but I knew I enjoyed business strategy, planning, operations and profitability. Knowing that, I participated in clubs and activities like women in biz, investment club, pitch it context, internships, and classes specifically geared towards these subjects.

What would you recommend to LFC students considering a career in your field do to prepare?

One of the best things you can do for yourself is start looking at job opportunities early. First, having an internship after your junior year is crucial. This not only gives you the opportunity and exposure to learn about what you’re interested in, but it’s the beginning of your external networking. The relationships you gain from this experience can turn into so much more. Many internships offer interns full time positions if they perform well. Early in your senior year, start exploring job postings and setup meet and greets with folks in the industry. Learn as much as you can and create relationships with people who are already doing what you want to be doing. Lastly, practice your interview skills! First impressions and job interviews are crucial so be confident going into an interview. Be prepared to answer behavioral questions with specific examples. Study the STAR (Situation. Task. Action. Result) format.

What have you found the most rewarding in your career and life after graduation?

One of the most rewarding aspects of my current job is the ability to use my Chinese in my day to day work. Being able to apply certain learnings from college is rewarding because so much of what you will learn is on the job. But the ability to bring in unique perspectives can set you apart. I’ve also learned that your career is completely in your hands and it is what you make it – you are your own limit. Make sure you ask about developmental opportunities before accepting a job. The ability to be financially independent is rewarding