°Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï 2023 Phi Beta Kappa inductees announced
Forty-eight juniors and seniors were inducted into the °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï Phi Beta Kappa Chapter (Theta of Illinois), during a ceremony in Glen Rowan House on April 18, 2023.
Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest and largest academic honor society and is widely recognized as the most prestigious honor society in the country. To be elected to Phi Beta Kappa at Lake Forest, a student must achieve academic distinction in their major as well as in courses across a broad range of fields.
Meet this year’s °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï inductees:
Elected as Juniors in March 2023
Kotryna Andriuskeviciute ’24
Ryan Fist ’24
Elliot Hull ’24
Alaina Lykins ’24
Katherine Peticolas ’24
Reece Wearing ’24
Elected as Seniors in March 2023
Violet Anderson ’23
Angela Belmonte ’23
Ondine Berg ’23
Brooke Bolerjack ’23
Desiree Brady ’23
Morgan Cronin ’23
Christopher Czarnik ’23
Karya Dean ’23
Beth DeFoe ’23
John Dwyer ’23
Jake Dziurdzik ’23
Beata Geryk ’23
Grace Glaszcz ’23
Clare Green ’23
Sophie Hansen ’23
Adam Hartzer ’23
David Howle ’23
Robert Hunt ’23
Marta Janas ’23
Jovana Jovanovska ’23
Eric Kang ’23
Josephine Lafayette ’23
Emma Law ’23
Natalia Leite ’23
Martha Machuca ’23
Emily Martinez ’23
Nicole Nagel ’23
Tracey Nassuna ’23
Ryan Osselborn ’23
Karla Perez ’23
Adriana Ree-Jurek ’23
Reese Reynolds ’23
Laurel Robbins ’23
Marina Strong ’23
Rachel Syverud ’23
Alondra Velazquez ’23
Isidora Visnjevac ’23
Emily Wachter ’23
Sara Weisblatt ’23
Lionel Whitehead ’23
William Yeigh ’23
Dima Zaghal ’23