

The impact of a 10% Ethanol Diet on Fertility of Aged Drosophila

March 07, 2023
Dani Herreweyers, Syed Zaidi, and Madeline Morland

Drosophila encounter ethanol in their natural environment because they prefer to lay their eggs on ethanol-containing food. Females knew certain amounts will be detrimental to them and their progeny, and when given the option of 0%, 5%, and 10% ethanol food, the females chose the 5% which was beneficial to them (Azanchi et al., 2013). A link between embryonic ethanol exposure and slowed development has already been established in Drosophila. When Drosophila embryos were exposed to greater than 5% ethanol, they showed a decrease in survival and development (Devineni and Heberlein, 2013). Pre-pregnancy ethanol exposure has been studied in mice and has shown similar effects. When exposed to ethanol prior to pregnancy, there was a decrease in liter size, embryo number, and pregnancy rate (Lee et al., 2020). However, maternal pre-exposure in Drosophila has not been studied. Here, we hypothesize that maternal pre-mating exposure to a 10% ethanol diet will decrease egg production and percentage of hatched eggs. 

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