
Eukaryon Volume 17

Book and Film Review

My Amazement of Prosthetics and Neurophilosophy

Erica Saldana

Lake Forest, Illinois 60045

Primary Articles

SEA LAMPREY: Terrible Aquatic Parasite and The Need for Further Investigation and Control

Alondra Velasquez

Lake Forest, Illinois 60045

Hepatitis B & C in Southeast Asia

Ben Bitterman

Lake Forest, Illinois 60045

Is it possible to eliminate Onchocerciasis (River blindness) in Africa?

Jovana Jovanovska

Lake Forest, Illinois 60045

Onchocerciasis in Africa

LIz Santos

Lake Forest, Illinois 60045

Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus)

David Cohen

Lake Forest, Illinois 60045

Water Hyacinth-- Removal and Control of an Invasive Species

Brie Gauthier

Lake Forest, Illinois 60045

Investigation of the anti-cancerous mechanisms of Sinulariolide, a biological compound isolated from soft coral, and its influence on human colorectal cancer (CRC)

Ruqia Bibi, Alexsandra Biel, Gabrielle Gutierrez

Lake Forest, Illinois 60045

Hepatitis B and C In China

Arthur Czyzewski

Lake Forest, Illinois 60045

Visceral Leishmaniasis in India

Lauren Bowler

Lake Forest, Illinois 60045