
Senior Thesis

  1. Junior spring: student must begin meetings with a departmental faculty member. A formal proposal for the senior thesis must be submitted by April 30 of the junior spring.
  2. First day of class of senior year: a literature review or comparable document determined by the faculty advisor is due. When the summer work is submitted, the student will be allowed to register for a senior research project. If no summer work is done, the student will decide which semester they will enroll in senior seminar. All students doing senior research projects will participate in a no-credit weekly writing/research group.
  3. December 1 of the senior year: the student will turn in an agreed upon document to their faculty advisor. The faculty advisor will then make one of four decisions:

    1. The project will conclude and the student will be asked to enroll in senior seminar for the spring.
    2. The project will conclude and the faculty advisor will recommend to the department chair that the work be accepted as fulfilling the requirements for the senior capstone.
    3. The project will be continued as a senior research project and criteria will be established with the faculty advisor and the department chair how the final project will fulfill the requirements for the senior capstone.
    4. The faculty advisor will recommend that the project be continued as a thesis and a thesis committee will be assembled.