

Selected Journal Articles

(For a more complete list, please see individual faculty pages.)

“Asymmetric Causality between Unemployment Rate and House Prices in Each State of the U.S.A,” Seyed Hesam Ghodsi and M. Bahaman-Oskooee, International Real Estate Review, Vol. 20 (2017, No. 2), pp. 127-165.

“Policy Uncertainty and House Prices in the United States of America,” Seyed Hesam Ghodsi and M. Bahamani-Oskooee, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, Vol. 23 (2017, No. 1), pp. 73-85.

“Do Changes in the Fundamentals have Symmetric or Asymmetric Effects on House Prices? Evidence from 52 States of the U.S.” Seyed Hesam Ghodsi and M. Bahamani-Oskooee, Applied Economics, Vol. 48 (2016, No. 31), pp. 2912-2936.

“How important are early investment experiences on subsequent investment decisions? A laboratory experiment on asset allocation”, Dimitra Papadovasilaki, Federico Guerrero, James Sundali, and Gregory Stone, Managerial Finance, Vol. 41, Issue: 6, pp: 582-590 (2015).

“An Analysis of Pet Food Labels,” William Burkholder, Charlotte Conway, Amy Lando, Robert Lemke and Samuel Valcin, Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol. 49(3), Fall 2015, pop. 627-638.

“Gender Differences when Subjective Probabilities affect Risky Decisions: An Analysis from the Television Show Cash Cab,” Matthew Kelley and Robert Lemke, Theory and Decision, January 2015.

“Preferential Assessment for Open Space,” Jeff SundbergPublic Finance Management, 2014.

“Utilization of Oral Contraception:  The Impact of Direct and Indirect Restrictions on Access to Abortion”, Amanda Felkey and Kristina M. Lybecker, Social Sciences Journal, 2014.

“The Impact of State Lotteries and Casinos on State Bankruptcy Filings”, Kent Grote with Victor Matheson, Growth and Change, March 2014.

“Decision-Making under Uncertainty in the Cash Cab,” Matthew Kelley and Robert Lemke, Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2013. 

“Using Conservation Easements to Protect Open Space: Public Policy, Tax Effects, and Challenges,” Jeff SundbergJournal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration, 2013.

“Husbands, Wives and the Peculiar Economics of Household Public Goods and Bads,” Amanda Felkey, European Journal of Development Economics, 2013.

“Explaining Game-to-Game Ticket Sales for Major League Baseball Games Over Time,” Elise Beckman ’13, Wenqiang Cai ’13Rebecca Esrock ’13, and Robert LemkeJournal of Sports Economics, 2012. 

“The Role Faculty Scholarship Plays in Producing Economics Ph.D.s from Liberal Arts Colleges, Robert Lemke, Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, vol 12(3), Fall 2012.

“Will you Covenant Marry me?  A Look at a New Type of Marriage,” Amanda Felkey, Eastern Economic Journal, 2011.

“The Impact of the Great Recession on Big City Budgets:  The City of Chicago”, Jill Terzakis, Municipal Finance Journal, 2011.

“Variation in Pill Use:  Do Abortion Laws Matter?”, Amanda Felkey and Kristina M. Lybecker, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2011.

“Estimating Attendance at Major League Baseball Games for the 2007 Season,” Robert Lemke, Matt Leonard ’11 and Kelly Tlhokwane ’11, Journal of Sports Economics, 2010.

“A Theory of Efficiency Wage with Multiple Unemployment Equilibria: How a Higher Minimum Wage Law Can Curb Unemployment,” Amanda Felkey and Kaushik Basu, Oxford Economics Papers, 2009.

“Selling the Game: Measuring the Economic Impact of Professional Sports Through Taxable Sales,” Robert Baade, Robert Baumann, and Victor Matheson, Southern Economic Journal, 2007.

“Biodiversity, Profitability, and Vegetation Structure in Coffee Agroecosystems of Central Veracruz, Mexico”, Jeff Sundberg with Andrea Cruz-Angon (Instituto de Ecologia, Veracruz, Mexico).  Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment, 2007.

“A Tale of Two Stadiums: Comparing the Economic Impact of Chicago’s Wrigley Field and U.S. Cellular Field,” Robert Baade, Mariaya Nikolova ’07, and Victor Matheson, Geographische Rundschau International Edition, 2007.

“Gamblers’ Love for Variety and Substitution among Lotto Games,” Kent Grote with Victor Matheson, Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, June 2007.

“Teardowns and Land Values in the Chicago Metropolitan Area,” Richard Dye and Daniel P. McMillen, Journal of Urban Economics, 2007.

“Can No Child Left Behind Close the Gaps in Pass Rates on Standardized Tests?,” Claus Hoerandner ’06 and Robert LemkeContemporary Economic Policy, 2006.

“History Repeats Itself:  Child Labor in Latin America,” Carolyn Tuttle, in Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, Springer, 2006.

“Student Assessments, Non-Test-Takers, and School Accountability,” Claus Hoerandner ’06, Robert Lemke, and Robert McMahon ’06Education Economics, 2006.

“When Winning is the Only Thing: Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria in a Three Candidate Spatial Voting Model,” Robert Lemke and Richard Chisik, Social Choice and Welfare, 2006.

“Private Provision of a Public Good: Land Trust Membership,” Jeff Sundberg, Land Economics, 2006.

“Death Effect on Collectible Prices,” Robert Baade and Victor Matheson, Applied Economics, 2004.

“Race and Riots: Examining the Economic Impact of the Rodney King Riots,” Robert Baade and Victor Matheson, Urban Studies, 2004.

“State Revenue Cyclicality,” Richard Dye, National Tax Journal, 2004.

“Lotto Fever: Do Lottery Players Act Rationally around Large Jackpots?”, Kent Grote and Victor Matheson, Economics Letters, 2004.

“Do Estate and Gift Taxes Affect the Timing of Private Transfers?,” Robert Lemke, Douglas Bernheim, and John Karl Scholz, Journal of Public Economics, 2004.

“Dynamic Bargaining with Action-Dependent Valuations,” Robert Lemke, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2004.

“Evaluating Subsidies for Professional Sports in the United States and Europe: A Public-Sector Primer,” Robert Baade, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2003.

“Inter-firm Complementarities in R&D: A Re-examination of the Relative Performance of Joint Ventures,” Robert Lemke, Nejat Anbarci, and Santanu Roy, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2002.

Selected Books and Book Chapters (2000 – present)

“Informal Financial Services:  A Proposed Research Agenda,” Les Dlabay, in Management, Society, and the Informal Economy:  An Agenda for Theory and Research, Routledge, 2015.

“Regulating Child Labor:  The European Experience” in Institutions, Innovation, and Industrialization:  Essays in Economic History and Development:  Essays in Economic History and DevelopmentCarolyn Tuttle, co-authored with Simone Wegge of SUNY-Staten Island, Princeton University Press, forthcoming January 2015. 

“Una gringa va de casa a casa,” Carolyn Tuttle, in El Arte de la Investigacion: Metodos y experiencias en contextos tranfronterizos, Tony Payan (editor), Ediciones y Graficos Eon, 2014.

“An Analysis of the Political Economy for Bidding for the Summer Olympic Games,” Robert Baade and Allen Sanderson in International Handbook on the Economics of Sporting Mega Events, Andrew Zimbalist and Wolfgang Maennig, eds., (Cheltenham, UK:  Edward Elgar, 2012).

Mexican Women in American Factories:  Free Trade and Exploitation on the Border, Carolyn Tuttle, Austin:  University of Texas Press, 2012.

“Financing Professional Sports Facilities,” Robert Baade and Victor Matheson, in Financing for Local Economic Development 2nd Edition, ZeniaKotval and Sammis White (editors), M.E. Sharpe Publishers, 2012.

“The Economies of Lotteries:  A Review of the Literature,” Kent Grote with Victor Matheson, in Oxford Handbook on the Economics of Gambling, Leighton Vaughn Williams and Donald Siegel, eds., London University Press, 2012.

“Alternative Financial Services:  An Essential Tool for Informal Entrepreneurs”, Les Dlabay, in Entrepreneurship in the Informal Economy:  Models, Approaches and Prospects for Economic Development, (Routledge, 2012).

“Generating Doctoral Degree Candidates at Liberal Arts Colleges,” Robert Lemke, in Doctoral Education and the Faculty of the Future, Ronald Ehrenberg and Charlotte Kuh (editors), Cornell University Press, 2009.

“Child Labor in the UK - Textiles,” Carolyn Tuttle, in The World of Child Labor: An Historical and Regional Survey, Hugh D. Hindman (editor), M. E. Sharpe Publishers, 2009.

“U.S. Lotto Markets,” Kent Grote and Victor Matheson, in Handbooks in Finance: Handbook of Sports and Lottery Markets Donald B. Hausch and William T. Ziemba (editors), North Holland, 2008.

“Rationality and Efficiency in Lotto Games,” Kent Grote and Victor Matheson, in Information Efficiency in Betting Markets, Leighton Vaughan-Williams (ed.), Cambridge University Press, 2004.

“The Effect of Tax Increment Financing on Land Use,” Richard Dye and David F. Merriman, in The Property Tax, Land Use, and Land-Use Regulation, Edward Elgar series on Fiscal Federalism and State-Local Finance, Dick Netzer (ed.), 2003.

“Child Labor,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Carolyn Tuttle, Oxford University Press, 2003.