

Suha Dajani

Suha Dajani

Instructor in Mathematics

Math and Computer Science

Research Interests

Special Functions, Proteins Phosphorylation, Nield-Kuznetsov Functions of the First and Second kind. 


PhD Mathematics, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, Anticipated October 2023 
Applied Mathematics 

Master of Mathematics, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL, 2008 
Applied Mathematics 

Bachelor of Science, Al-Quds University, Abu Dis, West Bank, 1998 
Major: Physics 
Minor: Mathematics                

Courses Taught

Spring 2023

Math 110 MWF: 1-2:20 pm
Math 150 MWF: 10-11 am
Office hours: MW 11 am- 12 pm

Previous Courses

Math 110, Math 111, Math 150, Math 160


HAMDAN, M.H., S. JAYYOUSI DAJANI, and D.C. ROACH. Asymptotic Series Evaluation of Integrals Arising in the Particular Solutions to Airy's Inhomogeneous Equation with Special Forcing Functions. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics 21 (2022), pp. 303-308

HAMDAN, M.H., and S. JAYYOUSI DAJANI. Direct and Transform Methods to Higher Derivatives of Ki (x). WSEAS Transactions on Equations 2 (2022), pp. 77-83

S. JAYYOUSI DAJANI AND M. H. HAMDAN, Higher Derivatives of the Standard Nield-Kuznetsov Integral Function of the Second Kind, 2. International Antalya Scientific Research and Innovative Studies Congress (2022), pp. 518-525, ISBN: 978-625-8377-14-9.

M. H. HAMDAN, S. JAYYOUSI DAJANI, AND M.S. ABU ZAYTOON, Higher derivatives and polynomials of the standard Nield-Kuznetsov function of the first kind, International Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 15 (2021), pp. 1737-1743.

M. H. HAMDAN, S. JAYYOUSI DAJANI, AND M.S. ABU ZAYTOON, Recent advances in the Nield-Kuznetsov functions, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 20 (2021), pp. 178- 186.

M. H. HAMDAN, S. JAYYOUSI DAJANI, AND M.S. ABU ZAYTOON, Nield-Kuznetsov functions: Current advances and new results, International Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 15 (2021), pp.1506-1520.

M. H. HAMDAN, S.M. ALZAHRANI, M.S. ABU ZAYTOON, AND S. JAYYOUSI DAJANIInhomogeneous Airy’s and generalized Airy’s equations with initial and bounday conditions, International Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 15 (2021), pp. 1486-1496.

S. JAYYOUSI DAJANIM.S. ABU ZAYTOON, AND M. H. HAMDAN,Two-Pressure Model of Particle-Fluid Mixture Flow with Pressure-Dependent Viscosity in a Porous MediumWSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, 16 (2021), pp. 85- 93.

M.S. ABU ZAYTOON, S. JAYYOUSI DAJANIAND M. H. HAMDAN, Effects of the Porous Microstructure on the Drag Coefficient in Flow of a Fluid with Pressure-Dependent Viscosity, International Journal of Mechanics, 15 (2021), pp. 136- 144.

M. H. HAMDAN, M.S. ABU ZAYTOON, AND S. JAYYOUSI DAJANICoupled Parallel Flow Governed by the Generalized Brinkman Equation, Istanbul International Modern Scientific Research Congress- II, 1 (2021), pp. 1354-1366.  ISBN: 978-625-7898-59-1.

S. JAYYOUSI DAJANI AND M. H. HAMDAN, Airy’s Inhomogeneous Equation with Special Forcing Function, Istanbul International Modern Scientific Research Congress- II, 1 (2021), pp. 1367-1375.  ISBN: 978-625-7898-59-1.