

Emily Dix

Emily Dix

Assistant Professor of Psychology



Social Psychology
Prejudice & Intergroup Relations
Bias Reduction Interventions

Research Interests

My research examines the cognitive processes that underlie racial bias and the interpersonal processes that promote (vs. undermine) interracial understanding. In my lab, we investigate how White people’s and Black people’s different day-to-day experiences shape their cognitive schemas about bias and their behavior when bias is discussed or confronted. We apply this knowledge to develop and test interventions with the goal of increasing recognition of ongoing racism, reducing interracial tension, and promoting effective racial allyship.


PhD University of Wisconsin - Madison
MS University of Wisconsin  - Madison
BS Haverford College

Courses Taught

Social Psychology
Psychology of Stereotyping, Prejudice, & Discrimination
Research Methods & Statistics
Advanced Research Seminar (Saint Anselm College)
Research Methods in Social & Personality Psychology (Saint Anselm College)
General Psychology (Saint Anselm College)
The Science of Prejudice & Prejudice Reduction (University of Wisconsin – Madison)


Dix, E. L., & Devine, P.G. (revise & resubmit). “It’s not an overreaction”: Increasing White people’s acceptance of the reality of bias and receptivity to Black people’s bias concerns.

Forscher, P. S., Mitamura, C., Dix, E. L., Cox, W. T. L., & Devine, P. G. (2017). Breaking the prejudice habit: Mechanisms, timecourse, and longevity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 72, 133 – 146.

Dix, E. L., Emery, L. F., & Le, B. (2014). Committed to the honor code: An investment model analysis of academic integrity. Social Psychology of Education, 17, 179 – 196.

Emery, L. F., Muise, A., Dix, E. L., & Le, B. (2014). Can you tell that I’m in a relationship? Attachment and relationship visibility on Facebook. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 1 – 14.

In Preparation

Dix, E. L., & Devine, P.G. (in prep). Concern about discrimination: Capturing sensitivity to the problem of racial bias in society and understanding its behavioral consequences.

Dix, E. L., Harris, B. M., & Devine, P.G. (in prep). Explaining variability in White people’s receptivity to Black people’s inferences of bias.

Selected Research Presentations

*Indicates undergraduate mentee

Dix, E. L., *Rochon, E., *Williams, J. B., & Devine, P. G. (2022, October). Understanding – and Reducing – White people’s Tendency to Challenge Black People’s Inferences of Bias. Symposium (Hilary Bergsieker & Emily Dix, Co-Chairs): “Disclosing, Discerning, or Dismissing Racism? Integrating POC and White Perspectives to Improve Cross-Race Conversations About Racial Bias" Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Dix, E. L., & Devine, P. G. (2022, February). Increasing White people’s receptivity to Black people’s concerns about racial bias. Symposium (Jordan Parker, Chair): “Navigating Race: Inter- and Intra-racial Dynamics and the Challenges of Racial Inequality" Paper presented (virtually) at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Francisco, California.

Dix, E. L., *Williams, J. B., *Rochon, E., *Hickman, E., Ash, T. L., & Devine, P. G. (2021, February). Exploring White people’s challenging and accepting responses to Black people’s bias disclosures. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (virtual conference).

Dix, E. L., *Lees, O., Rivera, L., *Allison, K., & Devine, P.G. (2020, February). Reducing perceptions that Black people overreact to bias by fostering interracial humility and an understanding that the effects of bias accumulate. Paper presented in the Early Career Data Blitz at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Devine, P. G., & Dix, E. L. (2018, March). Helping White people understand the cumulative nature of racial bias. Paper presented at the Intervention Science Preconference at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia.

Dix, E. L., *Harris, B. M., & Devine, P. G. (2018, March). Defensive or receptive? Responses to negative feedback from a black discussion partner. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia.

Awards & Honors

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2014 – 2017)
Two-Year University Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2013 & 2019)
Phi Beta Kappa Society (2012)
David Olton ’64 Award, Haverford College, for achievement in psychology (2012)