
Politics and International Relations

Diana Davila-Gordillo

Diana Davila Gordillo

Assistant Professor of Politics



PhD Political Science, Leiden University, The Netherlands
MSc Political Science, cum laude, Leiden University, The Netherlands
BSc. Sociology minor in political Science, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador


Political parties
Latin American politics
Ethnic identities
Qualitative methods

Courses Taught

POLS140: Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLS219: Latin American Politics
POLS213: Women, Institutions, and Politics

Publications (peer-reviewed)

Abad, A., Aldaz, R., Davila Gordillo, D., Vallejo Vera, S. (2022). “Un deja-vu no esperado: la política ecuatoriana en 2021.” Revista De Ciencia Política. doi:

Abad, A., Aldaz, R., Davila Gordillo, D., Vallejo Vera, S. (2021). “Believe in me: Parties’ Strategies During a Pandemic.” Journal of Politics in Latin America 13(3), 419- 441. doi:

Davila Gordillo, D., & Wylie, K., (2021). Party leadership and institutionalization in Latin America. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press. doi:

Popular Media

Davila Gordillo, D. (2021). Elecciones presidenciales en el Ecuador: flashback al pasado y un futuro incierto. In Voz y Voto.

Abad, A., Aldaz, R., Davila Gordillo, D., Vallejo, S., (2021). Ecuador: cómo diferenciarse cuando compites con 16 candidatos. In Agenda Pública

Conference Presentations and Invited Talks

“Ethnic parties in Latin America: The case of Pachakutik,” Guest Lecture at Konstanz University, June 21-23, 2022.

“Ethnic parties in Latin America: The case of Pachakutik,” paper presented at the XL International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), May 5-8, 2022. Virtual Congress.

“The division of the indigenous voters: the Ecuadorian paradox of recognition,” paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, The University of Edinburgh & Online, 19-22 April., 2022.

“Inidgenous Politics in Latin America - the case of Pachakutik”, Guest Lecture at the Latin American Politics Seminar, University of Denver, October 18, 2021.

“Believe in Me: Parties’ Strategies During a Pandemic during the Ecuadorian elections.” Paper presented at the ECPR General Conference, Virtual Event, August 30 - September 3, 2021.

“Voter mobilization strategies in the Ecuadorian elections of 2021”. Invited talk at Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico), as part of the event: “Coyunturas: Movilización Electoral en la Era Covid”. May 19, 2021.

“The surprising new votes for Pachakutik in 2021: the indigenous voters, and segmented mobilization strategies.” Paper discussed at the twelfth Charlemos event of the Center for Latin American Studies from University of Pittsburgh. March 15, 2021.

“Pachakutik’s performance in the 2021 elections” invited talk at the event “Cleavages, Indigenous Politics, and Policy” organized by Queen Mary Latin American Network (QMLAN), Queen Mary University London, March 3, 2021.

“Unity within Diversity – Pachakutik’s mobilization strategies in local elections”.iposter presented at the 2019 APSA Annual Meeting. Washington D.C., USA, August 29 – September 1, 2019.

“Evaluating party goals and party performance. The cases of Pachakutik and Izquierda Democratica (1996-2017)”. Paper presented at the XXXVII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). Boston, USA, May 24-27, 2019.

“Evaluating party goals and party performance. The cases of Pachakutik and Izquierda Democratica (1996-2017)”. Paper presented at the 77th Annual MPSA Conference. Chicago, USA, April 4-7, 2019.

“Partidos Políticos: Objetivos, Actuación y Éxito. Repensando la evaluación del éxito de los partidos políticos desde la perspectiva de sus objetivos”. Presentation at FLACSO Ecuador, August 28, 2018.

“Losing Members and Winning Votes? Pachakutik and Indigenous Representation in Ecuador.” Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions University of Nottingham, Nottingham April 25-30 April, 2017.

Research in Progress

Principal investigator, project: “Attitudes towards Venezuelan migrants among the Ecuadorian youth: Challenging the criminalization of immigrants”. Project funded by the EGAP LATAM Regional Hub Small Grants Fund.

Principal investigator (with Angelica Abad, Raúl Aldaz, and Sebatián Vallejo Vera) in the data collection project: “Elecciones nacionales 2021, Estrategias de movilización de votantes / Geo- Party-Links Ecuador”

Contributor and country coordinator for Ecuador with Sebastian Vallejo Vera for the Political Parties Database Project (PPDB)