

Arthur Bousquet

Arthur Bousquet

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Math and Computer Science


Finite volumes, finite elements, optimization


PhD Applied Mathematics, Indiana University, (Bloomimgton, IN)
MS Engineering in applied mathematics and scientific computing,
SuP, Galilee Engineering School, (Paris, France)

Courses Taught

Computer Science/Math 240 Introduction to Computational Math
Math 150 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 
Math 210 Multivariable Calculus
Real Analysis, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Real Analysis, Finite Math, Pre-Calculus


Jinchao Xu, Yukun Li, Shonan Wu, Arthur Bousquet On the accuracy of partially implicit schemes for phase field modeling 2018 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Arthur Bousquet, Xiaozhe Hu, Maximilliam Metti, Jinchao  Xu  Newton-type  solvers  for some drift-diffusion and electrokinetic equations 2018 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Arthur Bousquet, Bogdan Dragnea, Manel Tayachi, and  Roger  Temam  Towards  the modeling of nanoindentation of virus shells: Do substrate adhesion and geometry matter? Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena Vol. 336 pp. 0167–2789 2016

Mercedes Hernando-Prez, Cheng Zeng, Lilly Delalande, Irina B. Tsvetkova, Arthur Bousquet, Manel Tayachi-Pigeonnat, Roger Meyer Temam , and Bogdan G. Dragnea Nanoindentation of Isometric Viruses on Deterministically Corrugated Substrates 2015 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

A. Bousquet , M. Chekroun, Y. Hong, R.  Temam,  and  J.  Tribbia Numerical weather predic- tion in two dimensions with topography, using a finite volume method Math. Clim. Weather Forecast
2015 Vol. 1

A. Bousquet and A. Huang Finite volume approximation of the linearized shallow water equations in hyperbolic mode Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. Vol. 11 (no. 4) pp. 816–840 2014

A. Bousquet, M. Marion, and R. Temam Finite Volume Multilevel Approximation of the Shallow Water Equations with a Time Explicit Scheme Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. Vol. 11 (no. 4) pp. 762–786 2014

A. Bousquet, G.-M. Gie, Y. Hong, and J. Laminie, A Higher Order Finite Volume Resoluton Method for a System Related to he Inviscid Primitive Equations in a Complex Doamin, Numerische Math
Vol. 128 pp. 431–461

A. Bousquet, Coti Zelati, and R. Temam, Phase transition models in atmospheric dynamics Milan Journal of Mathematics
Vol. 82 pp. 99–128 2014

A. Bousquet, M. Marion, M. Petcu, and R. Temam, Multilevel finite volume methods and boundary conditions for geophysical flows, Computers & Fluids, Vol. 74, pp. 66–90, 2013.

A. Bousquet, M. Marion, and R. Temam, Finite Volume Multilevel Approximation of the Shallow Water Equations, Chin. Ann. Math., Vol. 34, pp. 1–28, 2013.

 A. Bousquet, M. Petu, M.-C. Shiue, R. Temam, and J.  Tribbia,  Boundary  Conditions  for  Limited Area Models Based on the Shallow Water Equations, Commun. Comput. Phys, Vol. 14, pp. 664–702, 2013.

A. Adamy, A. Bousquet, S. Faure, J. Laminie, and R. Temam, A multilevel method for finite volume discretization of the two-dimensional nonlinear shallow-water equations, Ocean Modelling,
Vol. 33, pp. 235–256, 2010.

Awards and Honors

S. Chowla Assistant Professor
Recipient of the Rothrock Award for excellence in teaching 2014
IU Founded graduate student research assistantship 2014-2015
NSF founded graduate student fellowship 2009-2013