
For Our Faculty

Read on for tips and information about how to teach phases of a writing process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to your questions about how the Writing Center works and how you can best use it to help your students. 

Teaching Argument

Building a Strong Thesis Statement 

A handout to guide students in generating and developing thesis statements containing definitions, examples, and revision strategies. Also details the difference between thesis and purpose statements. 

Developed by Assistant Professor Josh Corey, summarized from Diane Hacker’s Writing About Literature. Presents concepts and examples for theses, as well as a discussion on forms of argument. 

Teaching Students to Read Analytically in Order to Write Analytically

A practical tool with tips and strategies for helping students move from analytical reading to reading-to-write notes, evidence charts, and topic sentences. 

Teaching Students to Edit for Grammar and Style

An extended chart containing common errors, examples, tips and references, and links to online exercises. 

Accompanied by explanations and references to Strunk & White’s Elements of Style. 

A chart detailing three different approaches to grading grammar and suggestions for how to combine them.  

Teaching the Research Paper and Process

Research Strategy Flowchart 

A research strategy flowchart with links to library resources like databases, the catalog, and how to make an appointment with a librarian. Tailor the flowchart to your course. 

Delineates five stages of the research process, detailing goals, helpful strategies, and outcomes for each stage.  

A look at the revisions of a College Writing 100 research paper assignment with comments on the pros and cons of different versions. 

Teaching with Response Papers

Contains a discussion of the concept of the response paper, its specific use at °Ç¸ç³Ô¹Ï, strategies to re-focus the response paper, and tips on assigning it. 

A look at the multiple revisions of a College Writing 100 response paper assignment with comments on the pros and cons of different versions. 

Assignment Design Models and Tips

General suggestions to improve the overall clarity and effectiveness of written assignments. 

A short list of key elements to include in short assignments. 

Faculty members can support their students’ visits to the Writing Center by doing the following: 

Giving clear expectations and feedback about writing assignments. 

Student clients set the goals for sessions. The more information—written assignment expectations, your comments on drafts, class notes with writing tips and information—student clients bring to their appointments, the better the sessions. Clients will be advised to consult with professors and schedule follow up appointments if assignment or revision expectations are unclear.  

Reading and reflecting on session reports. 

After every session, tutors write a brief report detailing goals and strategies covered during the session. Students choose whether or not to have the reports sent to course instructors. For required appointments, remind students to have tutors send the reports. 

These reports will be sent directly to your email, thus helping you track student progress on writing assignments. You can also read the report for trends, reflect on your assignment’s clarity, and use the report to develop supplementary materials for the course.