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This module will teach how tutors can help writers prepare to write by reading more critically and organizing their reading notes for writing assignments, and it will provide examples and practice of how tutors can apply these tutoring strategies. The Process of Preparing Reading Notes for Writing Tasks Begins Before The Client Actually Reads Writing sessions that discuss how reading and note-taking strategies aid the writing process need to begin with an overview of reading intentionally and critically. Before clients even pick up the text, they need to examine its physical characteristics. They need to consider the assumptions they are bringing to a text from an examination of its title, cover, author, date of publication (historical context), and chapter/section titles. Tutor sample questions: What is this text addressing about the topic? What is its focus? What is it not addressing? Why or why not? The reading needs to be considered within the context of the course and the professors focus. Clients are not just reading this text for their own entertainment; they are reading to further the discussion in a particular course or to apply some principles that have been discussed in class. A tutor might ask a client to review the course notes and handouts to compose a list of these principles. Tutor sample questions: Why is the professor having you read this text? How does it compare/contrast to other readings you have done in the course? What have you been discussing in class that might pertain to this text? Finally, clients need to think about a given reading in the context of the writing assignment. What do they know about this author and how his/her work fits with the purpose of the writing assignment? All writing assignments ask for some level of critique of a text. A tutor can help clients generate a list of critical questions to guide their reading based on the assignment and analysis of course materials. Tutor sample questions: Are there any terms or themes in this assignment that you discussed in class? In what context did your class discussions grapple with these terms or themes? Were any of the terms or themes in this assignment mentioned in any of your texts? Which ones? In what context did the author discuss these terms or themes? Exercise #1: Preparing to Read to Write One role a tutor can play in this reading to write process is to guide clients through the process of preparing to read to write by encouraging them to consider the assumptions they are bringing to a text. Below, you will find three book covers, three tables of contents, and two first pages of articles. Using these images to guide you, brainstorm and write a list of questions that you could ask the client to get him/her thinking critically about each item. Under each book, table of contents, and article, a space has been provided for you to write these questions.  List questions to get the client thinking about the book covers here: Fear and TremblingChemistry in You LifeThe Location of Culture  CONTENTS Introduction 7 FEAR AND TREMBLING Preface 41 Attunement 44 Speech in Praise of Abraham 49 PROBLEMATA Preamble from the Heart 57 Problemata I 83 Problemata II 96 Problemata III 109 Epilogue 145 Notes 149 Chronology 159Table of Contents 1. The Elemental Foundation of Chemistry: Atoms, Molecules, Elements, Compounds, Mixtures, and States of Matter 2. New Identities?: Physical and Chemical Change 3. An Insiders Perspective: The Internal Workings of Atoms and Molecules 4. Powering the Planet: Hydrocarbons and Fossil Fuels 5. From Diamonds to Plastics: Carbons Elemental Forms, Addition Polymers and Substituted Hydrocarbons 6. The Flavor of Our World: The Oxygen-Containing Organic Compounds We Drink, Smell, and Taste CONTENTS Acknowledgements ix Introduction: Locations of Culture 1 The commitment to theory 19 Interrogating Identity: Frantz Fanon and the postcolonial prerogative 40 The other question: Stereotype, discrimination and the discourse of colonialism 66 Of the mimicry of man: the ambivalence of colonial discourse 85 Sly civility 93 Signs taken for wonders: Questions of ambivalence and authority under a tree outside Delhi, May 1817 102  List questions to get the client thinking about the table of contents here: Fear and TremblingChemistry in You LifeThe Location of Culture   (From Chessin, A.S. On Foucaults Pendulum. American Journal of Mathematics. 17.1 (1985): 81-88. Electronic.) List questions to get the client thinking about the article here:  (From While, Aidan. Locating art worlds: London and the making of Young British Art. Area. 35.3 (2003): 251-263. Electronic.) List questions to get the client thinking about the article here: Reading for Argument: When giving clients reading tips, tutors might consider the words of Confucius: He who does not economize will have to agonize. A lot of frustration and confusion with academic texts can be saved by adhering to the following precepts: He who reads actively reads selectively. Reading scholarly texts word by word can be painful, and part of the college reading experience depends on learning how to identify signal phrases and main ideas to clarify general themes within the text. This focus does not mean that clients should skim their texts and expect to write an in-depth paper on the nature of Being according to Descartes but rather that selective and active skimming can be an initial step to understanding the complicated language of academia and to relating the text to the topics in the class. Tutors can encourage clients to practice this skimming in a session. By asking questions regarding which vocabulary, concepts, or themes in the text relate to those mentioned in class, a tutor can use talk-writing to take notes on client responses. These notes might lead to a thesis statement or a way to organize notes from a closer, second read. He who reads actively highlights selectively. Tutors should encourage clients to read with a pen, pencil, highlighter, or all of the above at hand. A warning should be extended, however, against highlighting abuse. When to highlight or not to highlight? becomes the question, remind clients that liberal highlighting produces nothing but an unnaturally yellow page. Instead, urge them to highlight main ideas and then write notes beside them as a reminder of their significance. The annotating, not just the underlining, is important for later writing. This highlighting process should only take place on the second or third read. The first read is a skim read, remember. He who reads actively uses the dictionary selectively. Tutors can encourage clients to look up words that are specific or crucial to understanding the authors argument but not to become flustered looking for every word that they do not understand. In the end, this wild goose-chase leads to even more Confucius. I mean, confusion. He who reads actively summarizes periodically. Encourage clients to stop and summarize what they have read after they have completed reading a key section. Tutors can then have clients write a summary of the text, prompting them with the following questions: Can you restate the meaning of each paragraph? Can you comment on how the text is unfolding or how one idea relates to another? Are questions emerging? If the client cannot answer these questions, then they need to mark the section and seek the help of their professor. Exercise #2: Reading for Argument to Write An Argument Imagine that a client comes to the Center with the following passage from Friedrich Nietzsches How the True World Finally Became a Fable and says that she needs to write a response paper where she is to (1) analyze the basic goals of the writers argument or position, (2) explain how the text fits into the course conversation about world leaders that have abused their power, (3) list and define key words in the text, and (4) summarize key sections of the test and raise questions to consider. The client says that she understands the text in general. Using the comment function, apply the precepts for reading for argument and annotate the article as if you were modeling these strategies for your client. After annotating the article, write how you could use your annotations to explain to a client how this reading to write process aided the development of the ideas on which the client wants to write. The History of an Error The true world attainable for the sage, the pious, the virtuous man; he lives in it, he is it. (The oldest form of the idea, relatively sensible, simple, and persuasive. A circumlocution for the sentence, I, Plato, am the truth.) The true world unattainable for now, but promised for the sage, the pious, the virtuous man (for the sinner who repents.) (Progress of the idea: it becomes more subtle, insidious, incomprehensible it becomes female, it becomes Christian.) The true world unattainable, indemonstrable, unpromisable; but the very thought of it a consolation, an obligation, an imperative. (At bottom, the old sun, but seen through mist and skepticism. The idea has become elusive, pale, Nordic, Knigsbergian.) The true world unattainable? At any rate, unattained. And being unattained, also unknown. Consequently, not consoling, redeeming, or obligating: how could something unknown obligate us? (Gray morning. The first yawn of reason. The cockcrow of positivism.) The true world an idea which is no longer good for anything, not even obligating an idea which has become useless and superfluous consequently, a refuted idea: let us abolish it! (Bright day; breakfast; return of bon sens and cheerfulness; Platos embarrassed blush; pandemonium of all free spirits.) The true world we have abolished. What world has remained? The apparent one perhaps? But no! With the true world we have also abolished the apparent one. (Noon; moment of the briefest shadow; end of the longest error; high point of humanity; INCIPIT ZARATHUSTRA.) (From Nietzsche, Friedrich. How the True World Finally Became a Fable.From Modernism to Postmodernism. 2nd ed. Ed. Lawrence Cahoone. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2003. 117. Print) Type a Brief Outline Here: Reading and Re-Reading: Assigning a Unique Purpose to Each Read: Course readings should be seen as one of several parts to a course that work to propel the clients knowledge, consideration, and opinion of a given topic or theme. Reading, in itself, does not force the reader to consider or analyze a course topic or themethis responsibility lies on the reader. To help clients embrace this responsibility, tutors should review the importance of intentional reading with them, i.e. beginning to read knowing how they will be expected to use this reading. The following layout encourages and enables readers to grasp concepts in the text and apply them to the course: First ReadingSecond ReadingThird ReadingPurpose: To prepare to participate in class discussion.After the discussion, to solidify learning more about the text from class discussion.To prepare to respond to a writing assignment. To Prepare for This Reading: Does the syllabus label what our discussion will be about tomorrow? How does this reading fit or compare/contrast with other reading we have done? Similar genre? Similar author? Theme?What ideas did my classmates and professor communicate? What parts of the conversation did I not understand? What do I need to review in the text?Analyze the writing assignment. What is my professor asking me to do? To address with the text?Outcome ProductQuestions and annotations to share in class.More complete class notes that include discussion/lecture and textual references.Reading to Write Notes (see below). Reading To Write Notes: The client will prepare notes by creating columns for subsections, such as parts of a question on a writing assignment sheet. The client will re-read the text (or texts) looking for relevant material for those subsections. He or she will write down phrases, brief quotes, and page numbers that are relevant to the subsections in the appropriate column. On a different sheet, the client will make notes on the notes. These notes will include noted patterns, generalizations, questions for reflection, and answers to the original question. The client will then make an outline that is based on (3) above. Sample of Reading To Write Notes for a Writing Assignment: Assignment: William Graham Sumner offered an interpretation of work conditions in the 1880s. His interpretation is featured in the Hollitz chapter for this week. Write a response or rebuttal to Sumners interpretation, using the primary sources in this chapter. In your response, reflect on how you have used the primary sources to arrive at your conclusions. Notes on Re-Reading: Sumner interpretation of work conditionsPrimary Source 1s interpretation of work conditionsPrimary Source 2s interpretation of work conditionsPrimary Source 3s interpretation of work conditionsp. 77 work conditions difficult but necessary for America to emerge as leaders in industrial worldp. 64 - Mens long hours left women home alone for long periods, increasing womens burdens running the household.p. 68 difference between wages of assembly workers to that of administration vast p. 63 Industrial Revolution introduced modern day sweat shopsp. 82 men allowed breaks every two hoursp. 65 absence of men impacted childrens home experiencep. 69 low wages cause for childrens neglect (shoes, clothing, food, etc.)p. 65 Women and children often forced to work to maintain homep. 82 rate of injury inflated in studiesp. 70 long hours jeopardized the American family lifestylep. 72 low wages could not cover doctor bills when injuries occurred p. 68 Womens working conditions/ wages more abominable than mensp. 84 historians that argue that wages were low fail to keep in mind wages of the timep. 71 rate of injury in mens jobs jeopardized the American family lifestylep. 74 low wages prohibited women from maintaining the home and familyp. 69 Childrens working conditions/ wages more abominable than womensp. 85 Industrial Revolution offered more jobs than ever beforep. 75 cost of living at the time chart vs. wages of an industrial worker Notes on Notes: Patterns: work conditions, low wages, family structure, health/injury. Question for reflection: how did families in the 1880s measure their quality of life? Generalization: Sumner mentions rate of wages in the 1880s but neither considers nor presents the cost of living at that time for an American family to prove his argument. Primary source 2s chart (p. 75) gives evidence that disproves his claim. Outline: Intro Background info on Industrial Revolution Sumners argument Thesis: Although Sumner presents positive outcomes of the American Revolution by attempting to dispel the negative effects of working conditions in the 1880s, he fails to consider the domino effect that long hours, low wages, high rate of injury had on the family structure and lifestyle of that time. Body Paragraph 1: introduce questionable elements of the Industrial Revolution Why Sumner is wrong about his conclusion regarding work conditions Why Sumner is wrong about his conclusion regarding rate of injury Why Sumner is wrong about his conclusion regarding health risks Why Sumner is wrong about his conclusion regarding effect on family Conclusion How To Teach Reading To Write Notes To a Client Start with the assignment sheet. If there is no assignment, use a sample assignment. Have the client identify key elements of the assignment, such as themes, individual questions, etc. Have the client identify relevant course texts he/she will reference when writing the paper. Draw chart for subcategories. Have the client then practice taking notes within the columns by giving him/her ten to fifteen minutes to read and take these notes on a given text. Reconvene to review the notes he/she has taken, asking the client to for themes, patterns, generalizations, questions for reflection, and answers to the original question. Take notes on his/her reflections/evaluation of the chart, modeling and explaining how he/she can do this process on his/her own. Use the notes taken to brainstorm possible ideas for an outline and, if possible from what is generated, draft a skeletal outline. Exercise 3: Review of Features of Reading to Write Notes Review the chart, notes on notes, and outline below. By using the comment function to label each step that was taken, explain how these three products represent the making of reading to write notes. The first two comments have been completed as a model. When you are done labeling, write a reflective paragraph on this process. What is helpful about this? How is this different from regular notetaking? What would you add or emphasize if you were working through this process with one of your clients? Yes, it would be pleasant. Now she understood why when two ex-Confederates met, they talked of the war with so much relish, with pride, with nostalgia. Those had been days that tried their hearts, but they had come through them. They were veterans. She was a veteran too, but she had no cronies with whom she could refight old battles. Oh, to be with her own kind of people again, those people who had been through the same things and knew how they hurtand yet how great a part of you they were! (Gone with the Wind, 1401-1402) Write an essay in which you discuss these musings of Scarlett. Take up the following questions, but do not limit yourself to them: What is she thinking about here? Is it just the war? Who are her own kind of people? What are the various ways in which this assertion can be interpreted? The WarOwn Kind of PeopleOther Possible InterpretationsThe war had bound people together. Ex. they had come through them and had been through the same things and knew how they hurt.Quote shows that she was not with her people: Oh, to be with her own kind of people again, those people who had been through the same things and knew how they hurt. Why wasnt she with her people?Overcoming obstacles with others makes people grow in their understanding of one another through their shared experiencedays that tried their hearts, but they had come through them. If this interpretation is true and Scarlet had no cronies with whom she could refight old battles, did that mean that she didnt work to overcome the obstacles with the other Southerners? (Ex. Going against social standards and going into town alone = putting herself and others in danger)All veterans signals this same togetherness, ex. They were veterans. She was a veteran too.Scarlet isolated herself from her people. Ex. Dancing with Rhett when she was supposed to be mourning for her dead husband (p. ?), not wearing black for as long as the social standard after her husband died (p. ?), breaking societal expectations of the duties of a mother (traveling and leaving her kids).Gender roles-- women not as accredited for surviving the war as the men, ex. They were veterans. She was a veteran too, but she had no cronies with whom she could refight old battles. Scarlet also helped nurse soldiers back to health.War was difficult, ex. Those had been the days that tried their hearts.She had isolated herself from others due to putting her desires before what a woman was to put before herself: family, neighbors, husband.She intended to use the war to reconcile with her kind of people, ex. Yes, it would be pleasant (give context).Scarlets losses due to war: 1) Tara, 2) societal structure (traditional role of a woman) but was she traditional?She chose Rhett because he was an outsider too, ex. (explain Rhetts reputation, p.?).She wanted the old ways back so that she could reestablish her selfish, luxurious life, ex. the social events, getting attention through her clothing, playing the villain, acting outside of social norms, etc. Notes on Notes: Patterns: Scarlet was isolated from her fellow Southerners by acting against social norms, the war made people work together (but Scarlet still acted against those new social norms), she puts herself on the same scale as war veterans, Scarlet broke norms. Questions for reflection: In what ways was Scarlet not a traditional Southern woman? Did Scarlet not work with other Southerners to overcome the war? What reasons kept Scarlet from having cronies? Does she want her old people back just to enable her old lifestyle? Generalizations: to call herself a veteran and to call all Southerners her people. What does her generalizing in these cases say about her character? Outline: Introduction Name of book/author Context to time in history (Civil War) and cultural norms for women Thesis: Scarlet desires to get back in the company of traditional Southerners and their cultural structure so that she can break their standards for her own amusement. Body paragraph 1: background information of Scarlets character Body paragraph 2: Scarlet broke Southern standards for role of an obedient Southern girl that focused more on manners than men Body paragraph 3: Scarlet broke Southern standards for role of a married woman (affair with Ashley) Body paragraph 4: Scarlet broke Southern standards for role of widow Body paragraph 5: Scarlet broke Southern standards for role of a wife (disobedient to Rhett) Body paragraph 6: Scarlet broke Southern standards for role of mother Body paragraph 7: Scarlet broke Southern standards for role of woman during the war. Conclusion Type Reflections here:      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 STEP 1: Start with the assignment sheet. STEP 2: The tutor first helps the client identify elements of the assignment, key themes, individual questions, etc.   !v r =>(咋|kYkGk#hXEh=CJOJQJ\^JaJ#hXEh=6CJOJQJ^JaJ hXEh=CJOJQJ^JaJhXEh=CJOJQJaJ hXEh=hXEh=>*CJOJQJaJ*jh=CJOJQJUaJmHnHuheh=6CJOJQJaJh=5CJOJQJaJheh=5CJOJQJaJheh=CJOJQJaJh=CJOJQJaJ !" q r ~$&d P a$gd=gd==>Qghkd$$IfTlF D|) X8 t6    44 lazT $Ifgd=gd={gP$d,$1$7$8$H$Ifa$gd=d,@$1$7$8$H$Ifgd=$d,@$1$7$8$H$Ifa$gd=gd=hkdy$$IfTlF D|) X8 t6    44 lazT(3c|$1$7$8$H$Ifgd=$$1$7$8$H$Ifa$gd= $Ifgd=$d,$1$7$8$H$Ifa$gd=d,$1$7$8$H$Ifgd=(2$MNOQܵ|m]mM||mhXEh=>*CJOJQJaJheh=5CJOJQJaJheh=CJOJQJaJ hXEh=hXEh=CJOJQJaJ#hXEh=6CJOJQJ^JaJ hXEh=CJOJQJ^JaJ)hXEh=B*CJOJQJ^JaJphfff#hXEh=6CJOJQJ^JaJ hXEh=CJOJQJ^JaJ#hXEh=CJOJQJ\^JaJ<=e$%ijNOMN $Ifgd= $$Ifa$gd=$1$7$8$H$Ifgd=NOPQrmmmmddd $Ifgd=gd=kd$$IflJF "   t0"6    44 la $Ifgd=dkd}$$IflF D*XXX t6    44 lagd=dkd$$IflF D*XXX t6    44 la.Opqs78:|} $I$&&(<(>(&*]*****#+$+i,j,b.k...//?1۹۩ې۹۩۩۹۹۹ۀt۩tttt۹۹۹h=CJOJQJaJhx~h=6CJOJQJaJ0j%hXEh=CJOJQJUaJmHnHuheh=5CJOJQJaJheh=6CJOJQJaJ"heh=h(I}CJOJQJaJheh=CJOJQJaJ*jh=CJOJQJUaJmHnHu-pqrs89:| $&(%*]*- & Fgd=$a$gd=gd=-- . .l..s//r00112#33-4.4445J57$L^`La$gd= L^`Lgd= & Fgd=gd= & Fh`hgd=gd=?1F1x222233x444445 5J5777788g:h:;;;7;===D?Y?!@"@AABB{C|CDDEEFEIJ4J?JMౡ~h=CJOJQJaJhXEh=5CJOJQJaJ hXEh=hXEh=>*CJOJQJaJhXEh=CJOJQJaJheh=5CJOJQJaJheh=CJH*OJQJaJheh=CJOJQJaJheh=6CJOJQJaJ1777777778g88XkdN$$Ifl\V *    t0644 la $Ifgd= 88888q9:g:aXXXXXX $Ifgd=kdO$$Ifl\V *    t0644 lag:h:x:::;aXXXX $Ifgd=kdO$$Ifl\V *    t0644 la;;;;;7;;<Y==a\\\\TTTT & Fgd=gd=kd,P$$Ifl\V *    t0644 la ===C?D?Y????!@ $Ifgd=gd= !@"@@@PAAaXXXX $Ifgd=kdP$$Ifl\$ V<( 2   t04)644 laAAAADBBaXXXX $Ifgd=kdtQ$$Ifl\$ V<( 2   t04)644 laBBBB6C{CaXXXX $Ifgd=kd-R$$Ifl\$ V<( 2   t04)644 la{C|CC$DlDDaXXXX $Ifgd=kdR$$Ifl\$ V<( 2   t04)644 laDDDDDEEEaXXXX $Ifgd=kdS$$Ifl\$ V<( 2   t04)644 laEEFEGEHEXEEEFFFa\\\TTT\\ & Fgd=gd=kdXT$$Ifl\$ V<( 2   t04)644 la FFFFG*G*CJOJQJaJ"heh=6>*CJOJQJaJ)jheh=0JCJOJQJUaJheh=6CJOJQJaJheh=CJOJQJaJheh=5CJOJQJaJ%heh=B*CJOJQJaJphOOQQRRRRSS3S $Ifgd=^gd=gd= 3S4SSTbVtkkk $Ifgd=kdU$$IflF z)n x\ t0B*6    44 labVcVVWXtkkk $Ifgd=kdU$$IflF z)n x\ t0B*6    44 labVcVXX3Z4Z[[M]Q]#b:b=b>b@bAbCbDbFbGbIbJbabbbcbdbhbibbb c cۻ۳jh=0JUh=mHnHuh=jh=Uheh=5CJOJQJaJheh=6CJOJQJaJheh=CJOJQJaJhXEh=CJOJQJaJ hXEh=XX3YY3Ztkkk $Ifgd=kdWV$$IflF z)n x\ t0B*6    44 la3Z4ZZ[[tkkk $Ifgd=kdV$$IflF z)n x\ t0B*6    44 la[[[[[[[[[[\]toooooooogg & Fgd=gd=kdW$$IflF z)n x\ t0B*6    44 la ]^^^^^^___q``azaab"b#b:b;b|~~+" t`JPr8S)?JR?+Ačn2'{ݼn.[[ J 7 n$>T?QTBJ;{7HV}CEXJ2-dS*2Kܶ[8MA{Ӓxz}/c"JGko۵[U(AXܖ'EpL=r ;121y&fLJ'wqP.^έ +eKCA9*H\XU::>^Olp!y3wo_ܗbp"#_~-sAqOpW;~B'} 139VrB;RM٥#jӢ S(Ku78Lżj7?:׳??>y,Ёwŷզ98{$:^v{ j(2z\kP>s?(UGt%׸9Bۂ&w$,_ PVe>+Cmw%@WM*|/EZi'D^.}>!.|S~(:ciCJn'z=\@[Kiŭ? 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